Thinking outside of the box that is your office
Some of the best things we do for our patients and community happen OUTSIDE the walls of our offices.
We’ve shared some of these before, but a few examples are installing hearing loops, our Hospice program, our robust physician referral marketing program, and most recently, a Bluegrass concert.
Over the years, we have become friends with a few members of a traveling, world-class Bluegrass band called Sideline. We sponsored their show last weekend at a local music venue, and our name and logo were prominently displayed to the crowd. Another Pivot Hearing member did the same for them in her city. In an environment where traditional marketing tactics just don’t work like they used to, it’s important to innovate in your market. You’ll become known as “the place” for high quality hearing care.
These days you can’t simply place an ad and wait for the calls to come in. Today’s consumers rely on recommendations, research, and reputation to help them decide where they will go for their hearing needs. We can bring you fresh ideas for acquiring new patients, making the most of their in-clinic experience, and all but guaranteeing they’ll become ambassadors for your practice.
Get in touch with us to get started.