The best way to stand out from your competition
Those of you who know me personally know I’m a huge proponent of looping, to say the least.
I’ve worked tirelessly to try to bring this simple yet elegant technology back to the forefront of how we treat hearing loss, in both macro- and micro-ways. I have partnered with David Myers and others on the Let’s Loop America movement, as well as looped many local venues and offered a free loop and in-home installation to every patient we’ve fit with a compatible hearing aid in the past 15 years.
I wanted to pass along a guest blog post that Unitron shared last week. I can’t agree with Juliette Sterkens more when she says, “Looping services tells your community you are a cut above other practices. That you care about your patients’ ability to hear. Everywhere. The goodwill and gratitude that looping will bring to your practice? Priceless. The best way to stand out from your competition is to become a looping champion in your community.”
Did you know that Pivot Hearing is a distributor for Phonic Ear in-home loops? Get in touch with us today so we can help you integrate this simple offering into your practice in a way that will deliver big results.