A better work flow for busy clinics
Do you work in a clinic where you’re always pressed for time?
Do you see patients back to back to back from the moment you arrive to when you walk out the door? Many hearing care professionals that we talk to describe their days like this.
There’s a way to dramatically improve your work flow, increase the number of people you help, and be more profitable. Having demo or trial devices on the shelf makes it easy to put hearing aids on a patient right after the hearing test. They don’t have to leave any money, and you don’t have to fill out a bunch of order paperwork. At their follow-up appointment, you can discuss their experience, review data logging, and decide whether to try a higher or lower level of technology. The benefits for the patient are clear too – they start hearing better right away, they can try in a pressure-free way, and they’ll be more satisfied overall with their experience in your practice. And all of this hasn’t cost you a dime in aging inventory.
Interested in learning more about how to use same-day demoing to improve your work flow? We can get you started with a free 4-pack of Unitron Flex:trial devices, 2 sets of Siemens demos, and 2 sets of Widex demos*, just for signing up with Pivot Hearing (that’s a value of $3000+). Let’s talk.