The art of delegating
You know you should be building relationships with doctors in your community. But you get in at 8:00AM to finish your marketing plan, you see patients from 9:00AM-5:00PM, you rarely get out for lunch, and you have a family that expects you home at a reasonable time in the evening. So how are you supposed to develop a program, plan visits, make calls, follow up – and stick with it?
The answer is – YOU are not supposed to. There’s no way you can run your practice, take good care of your patients, and build & nurture physician relationships. But the good news is – you don’t have to be the one to do it. In fact, you shouldn’t be the one to do it. After all, you are too busy doing what you were trained to do, which is to help your patients hear better.
Our business has steadily grown over the last 4 years, and 2015 is shaping up to be a record year. Where are these patients coming from? Physician referrals account for 52% of our new patient intakes. We have created relationships with the well-respected doctors in our community and gained their trust. We have over 40 physicians referring to our practice, and I’ve only personally met a handful of them. Our physician liaison has actually developed these relationships and helped to instill confidence in us and our services.
All you have to do is find the right person who believes in your practice and what you do, and Pivot Hearing takes care of the rest for you. We will train your liaison, provide them with all the materials and ideas they need, and mentor them along the way. Get in touch with us to get started or find out more.