Move up Google rankings with online reviews.
There is nothing better than providing excellent service for a patient and having them appreciate it and tell their friends. So what can you do to help increase these patient referrals?
Ask your patients to write an online review.
There are many different places on the web for your customers to do this, including Yelp, Google, Facebook, as well as your own website. We have found that Yelp tends to be the best review site to maximize your exposure. Besides being the most widely used review site, companies with positive and robust Yelp profiles will get the additional benefit of their Yelp listing showing up in Google searches. In fact, with certain keywords like “hearing aids” and our city name, the first 2 results on Google are Yelp listings about us, and the 3rd is our own website.
If you haven’t been asking for online reviews, now is the time to start. With the majority of our target demographic being seniors, our industry is relatively late to the game with online reviews. This means that in many cities, the opportunity is wide open for your Yelp listing to be the top item on Google when people search for hearing aids! We’ve seen many areas where just 2-3 positive reviews will result in a 1st place listing.
Do you want to learn more about maximizing online reviews? We can help. Contact us and we’ll show you how to make the most of online reviews for your practice.